Separation vs Divorce: What is the Difference?
Some states, such as New York, recognize the concept of legal separation of married parties. New Jersey does not recognize legal separation, however, married parties in New Jersey have the option of entering into what is known as a “Divorce from Bed and Board.” Both parties must agree to enter into a...
How Divorce Affects Parents and Children: Enforcement of Child Custody and Parenting Time Orders
Divorce lawyers ensure that the parties’ custody and parenting time arrangements are reduced to a writing that can be enforced by a Court of law. Unfortunately, there are instances in which a parent fails to comply with the parties’...
ting time arrangements are reduced to a writing that can...
How Divorce Affects Parents and Children: Child Custody When Parents Do Not Agree
Unfortunately, not every family is able to reach an agreement as to legal custody, residential custody and/or a parenting time plan. In such cases, the parties are required to seek judicial intervention to determine custody of children.
Each party can submit a separate custody plan for the court to...
How Divorce Affects Parents and Children: Child Custody When Parents Agree
When a couple divorces, there are many questions that need to be answered. How much alimony will be paid? Where is each partner going to live? But perhaps the most important question of all is, who will have primary custody of the couple’s child? In New Jersey, there are two main aspects...
5 Time-Saving Tips to Prepare for Life After Coronavirus
As the world remains in isolation during this unprecedented crisis, many regular processes have come to a grinding halt. And while that may include most family law firms, our team continues to work to assist our clients in every way we can. Though you may be unable to execute your plans, whether...
Custody During COVID-19: How Does Social Distancing Affect Visitation?
As the coronavirus pandemic continues to affect daily life around the globe, many families are separated and self-isolating. Though the virus is seemingly beginning to wane, social distancing measures are still solidly intact in most states, including heavily-hit New Jersey. For parents who are separated and attempting to navigate shared custody and/or parenting...
Overview of the Divorce Process in New Jersey
Divorce is the dissolution of the marriage, allowing the parties to live separately and apart. Filing for divorce is a monumental life changing decision that may affect more than just the couple involved. When contemplating divorce there are numerous considerations such as parenting time and child support when the parties have children,...
Divorce is a Difficult Thing. Minimize the Burden For Your Child
Our divorce attorneys recommend taking the following measures to help your child process your divorce in a healthy way.
What Should You Do to Help Them?
While divorce will almost always negatively impact your child, we’ve discovered a few ways you can minimize the impact and help...
How Can Divorced Parents Work Together to Help Their Child Succeed in Online Learning?
Our New Jersey family law attorneys are aware of the difficulties families face as many schools begin the academic year online.
Our New Jersey family law attorneys are aware of the difficulties families face as many schools begin the academic year online.
Which Parent is in...
Summer Break Custody Schedules and Vacation Travel
Summertime is when divorced spouses most often have disputes about custody and their child’s travel plans and schedule. Summer vacations are a time for parents to spend special time with their children and make memories that will last a lifetime. The courts believe that it is in a child’s best interest...