How Divorce Affects Parents and Children: Enforcement of Child Custody and Parenting Time Orders

Divorce lawyers ensure that the parties’ custody and parenting time arrangements are reduced to a writing that can be enforced by a Court of law. Unfortunately, there are instances in which a parent fails to comply with the parties’...

ting time arrangements are reduced to a writing that can...

How Divorce Affects Parents and Children: Enforcement of Child Custody and Parenting Time Orders Continue reading…

How Divorce Affects Parents and Children: Child Custody When Parents Do Not Agree

Unfortunately, not every family is able to reach an agreement as to legal custody, residential custody and/or a parenting time plan. In such cases, the parties are required to seek judicial intervention to determine custody of children.

Each party can submit a separate custody plan for the court to...

How Divorce Affects Parents and Children: Child Custody When Parents Do Not Agree Continue reading…

Custody During COVID-19: How Does Social Distancing Affect Visitation?

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to affect daily life around the globe, many families are separated and self-isolating. Though the virus is seemingly beginning to wane, social distancing measures are still solidly intact in most states, including heavily-hit New Jersey. For parents who are separated and attempting to navigate shared custody and/or parenting...

Custody During COVID-19: How Does Social Distancing Affect Visitation? Continue reading…